The Fredy Lobos

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James Baillargeon
The Fredy Lobos

The Fredy Lobos

OHMS’ bassist Fredy Lobos is a crazy Panamanian. He has a bad-ass knack for hammering out rock basslines with a hint of south american flavor.

Fredy-LobosHe’s a hard-wired musician who loves to bring raw emotion into his competent progressions and pops out funky licks every chance he gets.

Well-versed in musical trivia, he’s a blast on the fly. With Rush topping his list, he hails from an 80’s -90’s rock and alternative love affair, yet definitely no stranger to jazz, blues and latin music. yes, the bass rockin’ master.

Having played in numerous bands in South America over the past ten years, he’s no newcomer to the stage and is a producer’s dream in the studio.

He’s most adored by his band mates for his constant smile and push for perfection which they call inspiration.




Chris Grillo
Chris Grillo

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